torsdag 27 februari 2014

One year ago - another workshop recommendation.

Recently i recommended a couple of really great workshops for sports photographers held here in Sweden.

Exactly one year ago i was in Irvine, Orange county, California.
That was my first, and so far only, visit in USA.
The major reason for that travel vas to attend the SportsShooter Academy workshop.
It was a blast.

Amazing people, that touched my life in a special way.
I think of them piratically every day. A great faculty with some of the very best sports photographers that you can find.
And after the workshop. I had the possibility to stay a couple of days in Los Angeles.
A big thank you to all of you who made this possible for me.

All the pictures below are all from that travel.

The Sports Shooter Academy will be held again in November this year.
You can find more info here:

I will most probably not be able to go there again this year.
But i will for sure do it again when i can afford it.
I would love to give back some of the great inspiration and knowledge i received there.

onsdag 26 februari 2014

måndag 24 februari 2014

Iconic photos from Sochi.

Ken Mainardis, Vice President at Getty Images, talks about some of the greatest sport photos from the Olympic games in Sochi.

onsdag 12 februari 2014

Junior icehockey HV71 - Frölunda live

A "official" test of Shoot It Live

Live-published photos and videos via Shootitlive

måndag 10 februari 2014

Workshops som rekomenderas.

Lars Dareberg och Jonas Lindqvist arrangerar två workshops under året.
Deltog i ett själv förra året, under JSM i friidrott.
Kan verkligen rekommenderas.
Jonas och Lars är två härliga människor, mycket duktiga fotografer och jag lovar att ni kommer att lära er en hel del.
Mer info här:

Bilderna nedan har koppling till mitt eget deltagande i workshopen om sportfoto förra året.

lördag 1 februari 2014